Senior Data Scientist

Senior Data Scientist

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ScienceIO is on a mission to make healthcare more transparent, connected, and equitable with the help of artificial intelligence. Since 2019, we've been developing language models optimized for responsible and secure use in healthcare.

We’re looking for a Senior Data Scientist to help build our next generation of language models. You'll have the opportunity to work closely with our machine learning engineers to improve the quality of our algorithms. You'll deepen our understanding of our data and support real-world monitoring of model performance and bias. You'll work with users to understand their needs, and directly inform how our technology roadmap evolves to meet their critical needs. Fundamentally, this role is focused on understanding how data turns into algorithms and products that can make the most positive impact on healthcare.

You'll be a part of a dedicated and curious team of experts in machine learning, medicine, biology, and healthcare workflows. We care deeply about making our healthcare system better for every patient and provider. Learn more about us from our Substack and our recent feature in Microsoft’s Technology Record.

The Role and Opportunity

    • Improve data quality and monitoring of cutting-edge language models for healthcare.
    • Lead high-quality data curation projects from design to execution.
    • Help mature our model monitoring, benchmarking, and bias measurement and mitigation systems.
    • Work directly with customers to enable their applications that leverage ScienceIO’s AI products.
    • Make data and algorithms more visible through accessible prototypes (we’re particularly fond of Streamlit).
    • Reinforce the adoption of best practices for data across the organization.
    • Mentor others and foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation in data science.

Who you are

    • You have a PhD in a relevant field (such as computer science, statistics, biomedical informatics or engineering), or at least 3 years of industry experience including a senior data science role.
    • You have a background in any form of healthcare data science and experience with being the lead for large-scale projects.
    • You thrive in environments that are driven by customer impact and measurable outcomes.
    • You excel at experimental design, data quality, and algorithm development.
    • You have high proficiency in Python and modern data science tools, including pandas, scikit-learn, statsmodels, etc.
    • You know how to make your data and algorithms intuitively usable with tools like Streamlit,, and/or Altair, or can learn quickly.

A Successful First Year Looks Like

    • You’ve built a strong intuition for our data assets and pipelines.
    • You’ve accelerated our ability to address an unmet need or correct an unwanted bias in our models.
    • You’ve developed a strong level of confidence with working on language modeling.
    • You’ve supported a major analytics initiative with a customer that significantly impacted their business.
    • You are recognized by your team for exceptional contributions to the growth of the data science team.


    • Unlimited PTO
    • Comprehensive health, vision, and dental insurance
    • Life insurance and short & long term disability insurance
    • 401k plan with all fees covered
    • Up to 16 weeks of flexible, paid parental leave
    • Public transportation subsidy
    • Stipends for home office supplies and for books & professional development
    • Salary range for NYC:
$189,000 - $230,000 a year
At our company, we measure our success in terms of the quality of the products we deliver and how effectively we empower our users. We care deeply about continuous learning and cultivating empathy within our team and with our users. The members of our team, regardless of their role or seniority, feel they can trust and learn from one another. We know when to ship a prototype and when to dig in and build for scale. We prefer to drive the team towards simple, high-value solutions over the complex or new. And we love when people lift up the best ideas across the company and gather support behind them. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, ScienceIO highly encourages applicants from all walks of life. All employment decisions at ScienceIO are based on business needs, job requirements, and individual qualifications without regard to an actual or perceived race, color, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, political affiliation or belief, religion, disability, uniformed service, marital status or any other status protected by law.
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