Culture Amp

Richmond, Australia
201-500 employees
Culture Amp, the People & Culture platform, makes it easy to collect, understand, and act on employee feedback. Build a better world of work.


Culture Amp is the world’s most trusted Employee Experience platform. Our mission is to create a better world of work for 100 million people by helping companies put their people and culture first.

We do this by bringing together pioneering people science and powerful technology. Over 3000 companies like Airbnb, Slack, and the BBC trust Culture Amp to collect, understand and connect data throughout the employee experience. The insights help them truly understand their people and guide them on the best actions to drive positive behavior change and lasting impact. We live in a world where the ability to understand and influence culture at scale is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’ but a ‘necessary-to-survive’.

Join us in making the world better, by making a better world of work

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