Product Analyst

Product Analyst


The candidate will collaborate with the Product Growth team, utilizing data insights and a keen business mindset to boost key metrics. This involves examining existing reports to confirm theories and devising new BI reports that support strategic growth. The role demands a mix of analytical talent, creative thinking, and a solid understanding of business dynamics to discover and exploit opportunities for enhancement and innovation within the product growth landscape.


  • Cross-team collaboration: Partner closely with business, product, growth, CSMs, Account Executives, and technical teams to understand project objectives and provide data-driven solutions and recommendations to drive outcomes. 
  • BI Reporting: Create reports and dashboards for strategic growth analysis
  • Support A/B Testing: Develop data reporting and ideas to refine the product and enhance user experience to drive key metrics
  • Comparative Client Analysis: Reports segmenting clients by size, activity level, subscription tier, etc.
  • Trend Analysis: Generate reports on user interactions to identify engagement and usage trends
  • Insight-Driven Growth Initiatives: Identify actionable insights to foster both new customer acquisition and existing customer expansion
  • Core Team KPIs you will be supporting:
    • Increase Signup-to-Demo conversion rage
    • Improve Conversion from trial-to-subscription
    • Growth number of subscribed customers by 2x within a year


  • Minimum of 4+ years of experience in Product Analytics, with a focus on growth initiatives.
  • Proficient in SQL, including knowledge of joins, window functions, query optimization, and common table expressions (CTEs).
  • Ability to sift through large amounts of information, extract key insights, and communicate succinctly. Adapt communication of data to varied audiences. 
  • Proven track record in product development and analytics.
  • Excellent communication skills, capable of conveying complex ideas effectively.
  • English proficiency at an Advanced level.
  • Demonstrated ability to thrive in a dynamic startup environment, taking initiatives from conceptualization to execution.
  • Experience in collaborating with remote teams across different time zones.
  • High integrity and complete dedication to the role.
  • Receptive to feedback, valuing the perspectives and ideas of colleagues.
  • Familiarity with Business Intelligence tools such as Tableau, Power BI, Grafana, or Redash, with the ability to develop and manage new BI reports.
  • Strong foundation in statistical analysis and hypothesis testing, essential for effective A/B testing.
  • Additional skills in Python for data analysis will be advantageous.
  • A basic understanding of Machine Learning concepts is a plus.


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